Saturday, September 30, 2006

"The Cat Who Wouldn't Come Inside", by Cynthia von Buhler

"The Cat Who Wouldn't Come Inside"

We went to an exhibit/booksigning (at CVB Space on w.13th st) with the artist/author teaching kids how to make their own sculpted cats. Here are the supplies waiting for anxious hands to turn them into cats!

The artist herself, Cynthia von Buhler, an amazing illustrater and painter.

Joe and Stanley are working on their clay cat.

They proudly hold up the head with beautiful blue eyes!

The cat's head just forming...
Posted by PicasaStanley is working on shaping...
with Dad...
Time for the legs...
The crowd hard at work...

A house on the hill, covered in snow...
Wow, cool house...

Look at all the rooms inside...this was Cynthia's childhood dollhouse her father built her that was then revised for the photoshoots for the illustrations for the book!
There on the front porch is the kitty who wouldn't come inside, Cynthia made a home for him on the porch where she joined HIM!

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